- Hello World!
- How to get the system time?
- How many objects are created before the first object is garbage collected?
- Can you sleep? Let's measure time.
- Testing with JUnit
- Recursion
- Multi Threaded Programming
- How to listen for button clicks?
- What is Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture?
- MVC implementation in JFC/Swing (Separable Model Architecture)
- Using Swing ChangeEvents
- JavaBeans Event Model
- Which is faster? Sequential search or Binary seach?
- Bubble Sort and Quick Sort
- Linked Lists and Stacks
- How to solve an equation numerically?
- Graph: Finding the minimum distance and shortest path between two cities
- Discrete Fourier Transformation (Direct calculation, no optimization)
- Fast Fourier Transformation (To be optimized!)
GUI/Event Handling: